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Vicky Vlachou

Adjunct Professor, the Archaeology of the Early Iron Age Aegean and Mediterranean


School of Humanities, Social and Education Sciences

Adjunct Faculty

Academic Qualifications

Qualification Year Awarding Institution Department Thesis title (Optional Entry)
PhD studies in Ancient History and Classical Archaeology 2010 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens History, Archaeology and History of Art  Geometric Oropos. A Study of the Fine Pottery and the Chronological Phases of the Settlement
Postgraduate studies (MA) in Classical Archaeology National and Kapodistrian University of Athens History, Archaeology and History of Art Early Iron Age Child burials and funerary rituals from Oropos (Attica) and the South Euboean Gulf
Undergraduate studies in History, Archaeology and History of Art National and Kapodistrian University of Athens History, Archaeology and History of Art

Employment History

Period of employment Employer Location Position
Today European University Nicosia, Cyprus Adjunct Professor
Today Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique Athens, École française d’Athènes (EfA) Full time researcher
2018 FNRS, Belgium ULB – CReA Patrimoine, Brussels, Belgium Academic stuff (research and teaching)
2020 Open University of Cyprus Athens Adjunct Tutor


Year Title Other authors Journal and Publisher / Conference Vol. Pages
2022 The Early Iron Age necropoleis at Marathon (Attica). Burial sites, funerary practices, pottery production and uses Forthcoming monograph
2020 Excavations at Oropos. The Protogeometric and Sub-Protogeometric period (10th – 9th centuries B.C. A. Mazarakis Ainian and I.S. Lemos Book, Volos: University of Volos
2020 A new Protoattic amphora from Marathon: Short-distance mobility of craftsmen and pottery workshops in early Attica (mid 8th to early 7th c. BC) AION Archeologia e Storia Antica Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale n.s. 26:2019 51-73
2020 Les femmes et l’offrande d’étoffes dans les sanctuaires grecs. Une enquête sur la participation des femmes à la vie religieuse des cités archaïques et classiques I. Algrain (éd.), Archéologie du genre. Construction sociale des identités et culture matérielle, Bruxelles: Université des Femmes 111-143
2021 Communicating Through Images: Potters’ Originality and Unexpected Stories on Early Greek Pottery from the West Greek vases as medium of communication, CVA Österreich Beiheft, Vienna 3 357-372
2020 Too Many Hydriae: Interpreting Material Actions through a Vase’s Sensory Qualities M. Langner and S. Schmidt (eds), Die Materialität griechischer Vasen. Mikrohistorische Perspektiven in der Vasenforschung, CVA Beiheft, München 9 51-63
2019 Death and the Elite: Thrones and Beds from the ‘Royal Tombs’ at Salamis in an Aegean and East Mediterranean Context (13th to 7th centuries BC), S. Rogge, Chr. Ioannou and Th. Mavrojannis (eds) Salamis of Cyprus. History and Archaeology from the Earliest Times to the Late Antiquity, Schriften des Instituts für Interdisziplinäre Zypern-Studien, Munich / New York 13 114-142
2017 From Mycenaean cult practice to the Hyakinthia festival of the Spartan polis. Cult images, ritual textiles and ancestral cult at Amykles: An archaeological perspective, I. S. Lemos and A. Tsingarida (eds), Constructing Social Identities in Early Iron Age and Archaic Greece, Études d'Archéologie 12, CReA-Patrimoine – ULB, Brussels 12 11-42
2015 Pots, Workshops and Early Iron Age Society: Function and Role of Ceramics in Early Greece, Proceedings of the International Symposium held at Université libre de Bruxelles, 14-16 November 2013 Études d'Archéologie 8, Brussels: ULB - CReA-Patrimoine, Brussels 8


Date Topic International / Local Location* Role in Exhibition
2006 CERAMED, INCOIII, 2003-2006: Identification, Recovery and Improvement of Ancient and Traditional manufacturing technologies used for the production of historical as well as archaeological value ceramic artefacts in the Mediterranean, including cost applicability and marketing considerations International Athens, Plaka, the Bath House of the Winds, 5-22 May 2006 Archaeological documentation of the Greek pottery in the exhibition, review and editing of the accompanying texts
2004 Archaeological Quests: Excavations at Homeric Graia. Exhibition of the archaeological finds from the excavations at Oropos, Attica Local University of Thessaly. University of Thessaly, Papastratos Building, Tholos (room M), 18 June – 26 September 2004 Scientific collaborator and administrative assistant

Research Projects

Date Title Funded by Project Role*
2012-2015 Beyond the Polis. Ritual Practices and the Construction of Social Identity in Early Greece (ca. 12th-6th centuries BC). University of Oxford (I. S. Lemos) and Université libre de Bruxelles (A. Tsingarida) Fondation Philippe Wiener – Maurice Anspach Researcher – Scientific collaborator
2012-2015 The Geometric Pottery from Marathon in Context: Pottery Production, Gender Differentiation and Social Status in Iron Age Attica’. Université libre de Bruxelles - CReA-Patrimoine and the University of Athens (UoA). ESF Principal investigator
2013-2014 Aristeia. The Social Archaeology of Early Iron Age and Early Archaic Greece. Department of History, Archaeology and Social Anthropology of the University of Thessaly at Volos (A. Mazarakis Ainian) ESF Researcher – Scientific collaborator

Academic Consulting Services/Councils/Boards/Editorial Committees

Awards/International Recognition

Date Title Awarded by:
2010 G. P. Oikonomos award of the Academy of Athens (class of Arts and Classical Studies) for my thesis Geometric Oropos. A Study of the Fine Pottery and the Chronological Phases of the Settlement. Academy of Athens

Other Achievements