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Why joining a student club is a good idea

May 11, 2022

Studying at university is about so much more than just attending classes and passing exams. It’s about finding your place in this world, discovering your passion and developing yourself. It’s about meeting new people and basically finding your tribe for life. You can either meet those people at the class or you can give a […]

Studying at university is about so much more than just attending classes and passing exams. It’s about finding your place in this world, discovering your passion and developing yourself. It’s about meeting new people and basically finding your tribe for life. You can either meet those people at the class or you can give a shot and join student club for such matters. There are many other advantages of why you should become part of the student club.

To begin with, the student club offers an opportunity to nail your teamwork skills. Nowadays, more and more companies are searching for people who are capable of working within the team. Thus, join a student club is going to be beneficial for you in a long term as you will be slowly building your teamwork capabilities along with the communicative ones and this is a good set of skills to have in today’s world.

Another benefit of becoming part of the student club is the fact that you can add this experience to your CV. Not every one of us is going to obtain work experience while working on our degree and therefore, participating in a student activity such as club might increase your chances of being employed in the future. For example, if you will become the part of the Intercultural club, not only you are going to learn more about the foreign cultures, but also you will have a chance to improve your intercultural communications.

The third advantage of joining a student club is a possibility to travel! Yes, you heard it, travel around the world! For instance, our Robotic Club has traveled to countries like the UAE for their competitions. Isn’t it motivating enough?

Last, but not least, by joining the club you are leaving your “comfort” zone. It’s always difficult to learn something new or adjust yourself to a new environment. However, it is beneficial for you as the more you throw yourself into the unknown, the better you become in “swimming” in this sea.