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Your Summer Before University

Jun 26, 2019

You know what the best part of graduating from high school is? No need to ask for permission to visit friends or stay out late. And yes, we all know that this feeling of freedom is a BIG deal in this transitional period of your life! Only one summer stands between you and four years (maybe […]

You know what the best part of graduating from high school is? No need to ask for permission to visit friends or stay out late. And yes, we all know that this feeling of freedom is a BIG deal in this transitional period of your life!

Only one summer stands between you and four years (maybe five or six) of dining hall lunches, trips, and campus spirit traditions that usually involve collective acts of streaking, jumping in cold water, or both.  Make this summer period count as you are just 2-3 months before you start a huge, new and for a surely unforgettable chapter in your life.

Part of these months should be spent with family and some for preparing for all these new experiences which will follow. For this reason, here are some tips for making the most out of this final summer before you join this new era of your life:

Travel until you get jetlagged
Starting university doesn’t only consist of having fun, it is also studying, homework, attending classes and generally it’s about investing time to get your degree. All these obligations require time and (usually) physical presence. So, travel. Travel a lot with family, friends or whoever else, but travel! Travel and live like a tourist with the one obligation of not forgetting to return by the end of the summer as the semester starts!

Get to know your new city
We are (almost!) sure that you did a small research about the town which will become your temporary home for the following 4-6 years. Even if you didn’t, it’s high time for you to do it! Time to explore the new venues, popular cafes, restaurants, clubs and cool places where you will be chilling while spending time with your new partners in crime. And while you’re there, learn some things about the culture, the population, and history. Some easily accessible resources like TripAdvisor & Google Maps are a trustworthy way to get an idea of what the city looks like and how it feels!

Visit your favorite spots with your besties
Although some people say that once you leave your hometown it’s difficult to return, we really think that since the roads are open there’s nothing holding you back. But let’s be honest, from the moment you are going to study in a different town, state or even country from your loved ones, your hang out spots and everything that has defined your life these past 16-17 years will belong to an era called “your teenage times”. Start your engines full of excitement and joy but be sure to spend some quality time through late dinners in your favorite restaurants, bars, and spots with the people you love!

Get wired
Technology is a necessity in university. Before you leave for school, get your gadgets up to date. Check with your university computing resources on campus (and any departments for specialty majors such as computer science and video game design) to see if your existing computer meets all the system requirements. If so, remove bloatware, old apps, and all those downloaded Titanic look & feel movies!

All that said, the top priority this summer should be the same as every other summer of your youth: have fun and…. #BelieveInYou